Loop Farm makes the cultivation system part of the mooring system, and is a permanent underwater structure. This is the core principle of the system. It removes the whole operation of deploying the subtrate and bringing it in every season during harvest.
Loop Farm elegantly tackles the challenges of mechanizing seaweed farming in a low footprint. It allows for single-point fast and easy operation without the use of heavy equipment or dinghies. The system is modular and can be installed in smaller or larger sections, spread out across a large area, and use the same equipment for seeding and harvesting operations.
Loop Farm redefines how we think about seaweed farming, with no rope-handling or substrate that needs to be installed and removed every season.
Pulley wheels (sheaves)
The sheaves are mounted on trusses at each end of the system, and function like wheels in a rope-and-pulley system. They have a special design that provide a secure hold on the rope with minimal damage to the seaweed.
Pulley wheels (sheaves)
The sheaves are mounted on trusses at each end of the system, and function like wheels in a rope-and-pulley system. They have a special design that provide a secure hold on the rope with minimal damage to the seaweed.
The trusses are the connection between the loop system and the moorings. They are connected to an outer frame in which the rope-and-pulley system sits, but the loop itself also shares some of the tension. This it what makes it possible to place the seaweed lines as close as 80cm.